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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  November 25, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm EST

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"the willis report." thank you for joining us. have a great night. we will see you right back here tomorrow. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. i'm ashley webster sitting in tonight for lou dobbs. secretary of state racing a deal over the weekend on the iranian nuclear program. it is a deal that has angered members of both parties and some of our closest allies in the middle east. the six month agreement calls for lighter sanctions on tape to allowing them to recoup nearly $7 billion in frozen assets while only pausing their uranium enrichment program without dismantling a single centrifuge. israel's prime minister been to manage and yahoo predictably calling that deal a historic
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mistake. saudi arabia has reportedly vowed to strike out on its own if peron comes closer to developing a nuclear weapon. republicans and democrats alike blasting the deal and threatening to put a harsh new sanctions on iran despite objections of the white house. that vote could come as early as chief western correspondent to is chosen at the white house with a report. >> defending the nuclear deal the u.s. and its allies glanced over the weekend with ron. >> we cannot commit ourselves to an analyst -- endless cycle. tough talk and bluster may be the easy thing to do politically, but it is not the right thing for our security. >> under terms finalize saturday in 7-nation talks in geneva and ron agreed to enrich uranium only to the 5% level lowered to dilute its stockpile of 20 percent enriched uranium which is easier to use for a
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bomb and allow for daily inspections says nuclear plan, some off-limits until now. >> the three paths that iran has to a bomb, 20 percent enrichment , three and a half, and the plutonium reactor. although those are stopped and that tracks. >> an estimated 6 billion in sanctions will be listed on negotiators had a hammer out a permanent deal. in tehran they claim the right to enrich has been codified, something of the white house denied. >> we would have to mutually define what the nature of the iranian program is. we get to decide whether iran has the dismantle its facilities the iranians have no need for rest uranium. maybe there will have a program, but no need for this. economical and quite feasible to go out and buy eris uranium.
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>> this did not reduce the iranians a. senator charles schumer citing the same complaint vowing to pursue sanctions next week. >> this is a marginal improvement. some of their activity is in place. it continues the major sanctions in place. we have seen abusive administration's make the same mistake as this one which is to be too gullible, not negotiate hard enough and to take a deal. >> that was the main complaint allies are quietly expressing
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concern that the u.s. is edging away from his traditional regional allies. and one of those allies, fox news has been sought -- confirmed they hosted several talks for months dating back to last march. teeseven thank you very much. the iranian nuclear deal giving president obama temporary political relief. the obamacare fiesta shows no sign of ending. the president may give another attempt to give the faltering health care plan out of the headlines by delivering a speech on immigration reform and san francisco, but even that did not go smoothly. protesters interrupting the president saying he is not doing enough. >> what i would like to do. don't worry about it. let me finish. let me -- let me -- how about -- you guys don't need to go.
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let me finish. >> the real reason for the president's trip is arruably to raise cash and lots of it. sending four fund-raisers in both san francisco and los angeles with a democratic national committee and house and senate democrats. the president tried to convince donors to boost the democrats with his own political fortune continuing to fall to. a new cnn opinion research survey shows just four in ten americans think president obama can manage the federal government effectively. for the first time a majority of americans and a 50% now believe president obama is not honest and trustworthy. an even bigger margin, 56 percent said the president simply does not inspire confidence. well, critics of the president's failing health care plan put their opposition on the road to georgia today. they seek political correspondent carl cameron has our report.
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>> with lawmakers back, in their district the house government oversight committee held a field hearing. what they heard and share in georgia was not pretty. >> 900,000 californians, 130,000 kentucky in a thermal 140,000 minnesotas and for new thousand georgians have received cancellation notices. >> nationwide five many individual policies have been canceled. employer based in salt -- policy cancellations to be many times that. at higher premiums, deductibles, and loss filler and the public confidence has skyrocketed. >> quality health care is great, but as a result of obamacare there now devastated. in georgia three rural hospitals have shut down already, and some estimates indicate that 15 more may be closing their doors in the coming months. >> worried about obamacare. a wife and two year-old under obamacare and will pay
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65 percent more in the less insurance coverage. >> when you hear the leader of the three words is something you would like to believe his words of truth and meaning, and honesty. i do not believe this to be the case. >> they can do good but it is also doing harm. real people tragically affected and others receiving great benefit. i know that it is too premature to know the full impact of the affordable care act. they have warned the white house that they want fixes fast. republicans what the statistics speak for themselves. >> carly 11 insurers in the individual marketplace. under obamacare there will only be five. 55 percent decrease insurance competition.
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>> and tully of the problems obamacare appears biased toward urban dwellers of nine in rural areas and made to the intent -- no choice but to pay more. >> thank you very much. wall street and the stocks finishing breaks. the dow gaining eight points. the s&p fell to. causing the 4,000 mark for the first time in 13 years but fell back below in the final hour of trading to finish for the gain of three points. shares of walmart closed higher after the company announced longtime executive doug mcmillan will be replacing seal might do. he plans to retire early next year. and chrysler delaying ipo plans until early next year. the automaker had been aiming for a listing for christmas. much more coming up.
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legendary economist. and along with legendary marketing executive teaming up for probate play on the upper the bullpen and who pugh listed. >> carol ralph peters with the analysis next. (vo) you are a business pro.
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d-size price. (aaron) purrrft. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro. just by talking to a helmet. it grabbed the patient's record before we even picked himp. it found out the doctor we needed was at st. anne's. wiggle your toes. [ driver ] and it got his okay on treatment from miles away. it even pulled strings with the stoplights. my ambulance talks with smoke alarms and pilots and adiums. but, of course, 's a good listener too. [ female announcer ] today cisco is connecting the intern of everything. so everything works like never before.
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♪ ashley: national security adviser susan rise in afghanistan to talk with afghan president hosni karzai over a delayed deal to keep u.s. troops in afghanistan passed 2014. insisting he will not sign the
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security agreement until after his successor is chosen and presidential elections slated for april. syrian presidents and the rebels trying to overthrow him will hold their first peace talks on january the 22nd in geneva. according to u.n. secretary-general the goal of the talks will be to create a mutually acceptable transitional government with full executive powers and full authority over syria's military and security agencies. and deadly crashes breaking and then benghazi today between libyan government forces. at least nine people were killed in today's fighting and another 39 people injured, most of them soldiers. my first guest says mean nothing. joining me now got fox news strategic analyst, thank you so much for joining us.
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i don't think i have heard anyone today say this is a great deal. we have really made a difference >> if you're listening to iranian tv, they're sick of people. you know, we may look back on this today, the member 24th. it is so sad. the white house wanted the deal will. basically we rewarded the iranians generously. a couple station that major sites.
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every other step is reversible. nothing is being destroyed finally worked in this case. they had the iranian, it -- economy on the ropes and is the only reason they agree to talks in geneva. what do we do? for nothing from the iranians will loosen the sanctions. >> the iranian leader was seen as a martyr. i would argue, and others have, he is really a wolf in sheep's clothing, no different than the hard-liners that we have known and seen for many years. he comes out of this is the victim. >> symmetry. and i will finish you clothing. secretary carries a sheep in wolf's clothing. it is just a sad situation. you have to take a longer view.
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you realize, the person's invented chess. our diplomats play checkers. the iranian negotiators are just really really good. they size us of cynically. frankly, look, we all hope, of course we hope that there will be a peaceful resolution to the issue of nuclear weapons. of course we all want that. you cannot rely on help. you need concrete action. i will tell you, i am 100 percent on the side of the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu who believes that this is the worst deal of the century and is certainly the worst in decades. >> the relationship between this and yahoo and the obama white house, strained at best. does this-the possibility, saudi arabia also saying that we will strike out on our own because clearly you are not understanding the real threat from a ron and are being naive. does this not just raise the specter of allies in the middle
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east taking steps by themselves? >> well, the saudis and -- there in a different camp. they don't do anything themselves. they pay other people to do stuff for them, look on us as their military service. however, they will probably allow the israelis to use remote air bases in the desert to get there for instance. but the obama administration, for israel this is an existential issue. for obama it is a political annoyance. in fact, i truly believe in my heart that the obama administration regards as well as a strategic -- what were can i best use? a strategic liability and as a political albatross because they have to pander. israel, the outpost of outer civilization in the middle east
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amid a sea of barbarism. obama is turning away from as well for political points and embracing here on. it is bad for america and israel and the world. it is great for the iranian government. >> that is a good place to leave it. thank you so much for joining us. thank you. all right. now to the weekend box office. torching the competitionking in. and at last, harry potter movie. second place went to disney. 141 million. the best man holiday came in first for 12 and half million dollars. coming up next, cancellations, security breaches, rising rates is just another day of bad news
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for the president's signature of kellogg. our next guest says this is only the beginning of the misery. oh boy. stay with us. as a business owner, i'm constantly putting out fires. so i deserve a small busiss credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cascard from capital one, i get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, , larr!
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yep. got all the cozies. [ grandma ] with n fedex one rate, i could ll a box and ship it r one flat rate. so i kn untilt was full. you'd be crazy not to. is tt nana? [ male announcer ] fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fed.
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave ople a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 9.. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed muc is the official retirement age ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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♪ ashley: the country's top hospital, the cleveland clinic is making laos and cutting into the budget by more than 150 billion as a direct result of obamacare. so far some 3,000 employees have been offered voluntary early retirement and osborne was working and cutting operating arm expenses and paying less to vendors. in the meantime, vermont is confirming their security breach last month when the state run health care website, one user got improper access to another user security number in what officials insist is the only security breach to occur since the site launch last month. well, our next guest says while the media is focused on a of her and this website and the fight surrounding obamacare, it will take years for the most debilitating effects of this lot to be realized. millions of americans will be left without insurance and the choice of doctors. joining us now, senior fellow at the hoover institution and former health care adviser.
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we're setting up the website. to get that it will be a much, much more lasting legacy, one that we are not going to like all. what is that? >> absolutely. thank you for adding me. once the obamacare exchanges are actually functioning because once the function americans are going to see that they are first and foremost presented with less options and less choice than they currently have. and this is more than just choices of insurance. this goes into a little bit more detail about who is available for doctors and medical centers, even though you have insurance, this will be a big shock to people. as we know, continuity of care is actually an important part of the appropriate medical care. longer-term, there will be a dumbing down.
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primary-care mode other parts of obamacare not getting a lot of attention. primary-care doctors are starting to just get out of the business. they are fed up. this is the final straw. putting more onus on an area of this medication or medical expertise where we're going to have a dwindling amount of resources. >> absolutely. we already know the predictions, there will be a primary care shortage the next decade, more than 60,000 doctors receiving lots of attention, there is also a predicted specialist's care mortgage of more than 60,000
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doctors. this is in an era where we basically have to realize that the quality of care, the events of the madison are due to a specialist care in a country like the united states. the past half century. unfortunately the obama administration has a very outdated and that would say nike's you the medical care try to roll back the clock toward a generalist, dominated as of health care which really does not apply. this the outrage bill. ashley: the system that is being put in place will be gutted a removed entirely. >> the eyelash will only occur when people are individually impacted. they get there notices even though you have vetted chance for 20, 30, 40 years.
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when they see the premiums skyrocket. this is all happening right now. the average us to come from the individual. it is not enough to talk about a hypothetical argument that many of us wrote about for months. these things are not just predictable. there were predicted. so as this backlash occurs the public will have to drive the solution. in the solution as we come i think already know according to the democrats in the obama administration is single payer. only government controlled health care. and that really is a proven failure worldwide. and so this is just the beginning when weapon. ashley: a lot of the onus of this falls on young americans are just now realizing that the premiums and going through a roof and the deductibles, that could be a real source of anger.
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>> i completed the reid. when you look at the surveys on his supports obamacare the only demographic his young adults, people 18-30. every other age group is anti obamacare. and we really look at that it is ironic because as you mentioned, the shift of cost to the adults, young, healthy people will only use hundreds of dollars of care per year, the shift to them of mandating premiums of $3,000 per year to make is simply a bad financial decision for them to buy health insurance. >> we will continue to cover. below --
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ashley: how we -- how will your thanksgiving travel plans be affected? is live report is dead. ong last, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®. relieving the pain quickly. she loves a lot of it's what you love about her. but your erectile dysfunction -
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teeseven a deadly winter storm. millions of americans storm when for tort -- 14 deaths nationwide when the how. live from the weather center to tell us what to expect help him, that unum it's illegal -- >> taking in a lot. heavy rain across the gulf coast in toward the southeast. you can also see a mixing eric
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dangerous to travel on. best ticket through the next 12 to 24 hours. across the southeast tomorrow we could actually see severe weather. large-scale damage and isolated tornadoes and the saudi side of the storm. and as we get up toward tuesday, 4:00 p.m., the big cities starting to get involved. d.c. rain creeping into new york city west of that a snow events, interior sections of the northeast and ohio valley could get six to 12 inches of heavy wet smell. as we head into wednesday, all along the i-95, coastal cities, mainly rain events. however, the worst of the weather for all of these coming tuesday afternoon, overnight tuesday and wednesday and then we will be dealing with wind gusts in excess of 40 miles-per-hour. if you're traveling by air despite the fact we are dealing with rain, lot of flights will be grounded. then we have the snow. we could see a winter wonderland
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the thanksgiving, but unfortunately it is coming and the busiest travel days, tuesday and wednesday. by thursday's out of the northeast, which is great news. a lot of people will have to be delayed or even cancel some of their plans. winter weather advisories. an ice storm warning. that could be tricky as well. here is the timing. tomorrow afternoon we could see the risk for severe weathhr. when it sticks out wednesday midday, gradually creeping out toward canada. in the meantime this will be the busiest travel area of course because millions of people live up and down the i-95 corridor. just because you don't live in the northeast is not mean that you are going to not be affected because you know what happens when flights are delayed. they cannot give them all around the rest of the country is going to peel it on the busiest travel day of the year teeseven timing
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is everything. thank you so much. all right. my next guest says there has been no real jobs recovery since the lows of 2009 following a financial crisis. he says he wants to clear away the smoke in mirrors and cherry pick statistics from the obama administration and will only find that the economy remains what he calls a tragedy. joining me now, our loss for, chairman of loughner associates. all right. is it really a tragedy? this is still that bad? we see will be in our jobs report that there are jobs being created. you say it is all smoke and mirrors. also that weather report to the studio. did not think that he would make it. but it is a tragedy. straight down. and then bouncing along of the normal population which is no
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recovery. if you look at employment as a share a population it has dropped from 64% to 58 nap% six years ago and it stayed there. there is no real recovery, and it is a tragedy. we're losing enormous amounts, and i personally do not see a recovery coming because the policies have not changed. really big recoveries under clinton, reagan, kennedy, they all came with major tax cuts and pro-growth policies, and this administration just does not do that. ashley: interesting, as a judge? i guess you mentioned taxes. we will talk about tax reform until we're blue in the face and now for a long time. are we ever going to get any meaningful tax reform to back. >> sure. we will give major tax reform, but you will have to wait until the political structure clears up. you have the elections in 2014 or i think they're republicans will pick up a number of seats in the house.
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then yap 2016 were i think he will get a major change. just so you know, aid is not a republican, democrat, conservative but just plain common sense economics. bill clinton did it right. ronald reagan did it. we just have to wait until 2017 to really get bipartisan work done in the house and the senate and with the president to create total tax reform, spending reduction, sound money, free trade and minimal regulation. get the heck of the wait and let the economy sell itself. >> a dirty word. >> i hope you're right listen, the markets are going. they break a record on the dow. every other minute it seems. the fed continues to pump in seed money, but my point is the banks are awash with all that cheap money but are they really
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passing it on? data not know whether it is getting all the way down to where it should be. >> the banks are not passing it on. the money multiplier has been dropping ride along with the increase in the money based. you know, that is a long-term problem that we have to not only taper off but actually on wind. we have to bring it back to where it was before we will -- which will be a difficult task, and i am afraid it will be done with this because they just don't want to. we have a long way to go on monetary policy. the stock market looks fine to me. i think the stock market looks at what will be, not what has been. and so therefore as a future indicator of the economy at think the stock market is forecasting major politicos changes and a lot of improvement and i just hope your right teeseven heading into the busy holiday shopping season. what is the psyche of the consumer? >> i have so many children and grandchildren.
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i don't really know the psyche of the nation. i think this year will be okay. nothing fantastic. i think you really have to wait until the economy gets going. once we get going there is no stopping the bull market. there is no stopping the recovery. i mean, obamacare, if we repeal the obamacare can you imagine how many chains in shackles that with the role of the u.s. economy? if we got rid of the tax increases that up, but then, if we put in a low rate flat tax like jerry brown wanted in 1992 or even a corporate tax reform, spending restrictions, bringing net spending way down, we on the spending is taxation. if we just did that, can you imagine how this economy would skyrocket? it would be amazing. ashley: of lovely holiday presents. the family doing its part for the economy. thank you so much for joining us. be safe on i-65 or eye-40, several you go on past.
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>> hi-65 today. ashley: be careful. you can join the discussion. go to for links to this show. that is coming up next, a liberal national media. the "a-team" tells us why the president's is up to his neck in it. [ male announcer ] this store knows how to handle a saturday crd. ♪ [ male announcer ] the parking lot helps by letting us know who's coming. the carts keep everyon on the right track. the power tools iroduce themselves. all the bits and bulbs keep themselves stocked. and the doors even handle the checkout so we can work on that thing that's stuck in the thing. [ female announcer ] today, cisco is connecting the internet of everything. so everyone goes home happy.
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[ male announcer ] they are a gling example of what it means to be the best. and at this special time of year, they shine even brighter. come to the winter ent aand get the mercedes-benz you've always wished for, now for an exceptional price. [ santa ] ho, ho, ho, ho! [ male announcer ] lease the 2014 e350 for $579 a month atour local mercedes-benz dealer.
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ashley: the federal government making student loans this fiscal year. three and a half billion fewer than just a year last year, but higher profit. exxon mobile made nearly 45 billion in 2012 and apple was cleared and near 417 billion. gq magazine releasing its list of the least influence of
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celebrities of the year. coming in at number 17 president obama. what the magazine says a white house and ability to work with congress, other notable names on the list, the overexposed, and we mean overexposed singer maile cyrus nabbing sixth place. anthony wiener came in third. failed north korean peacemaker dennis rodman, shocker. he took the top spot. the newest cover of the economist is not up the presidency of featuring the presence submerged in water with the caption the man who used to walk on water. the "a-team," former clinton adviser and fox is political analyst. former hillary clinton adviser, co-founder of the fine american and fox news contributor. former white house political director nder president george w. bush. thank you all for being here. just laughing as we go through those stories. the president is on his big
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fund-raising trip around the west coast. >> it is an effort to raise money. that is what presidents do. >> they can pay people the enormous amount of money. >> i am happy to have benefited from bill clinton's largess women get him elected. i would say what presidents do is dumber. you're right, the failure of obamacare to be successfully launched combined with a controversial peace plan leaves me in a position that i wish the president and state and tried to govern rather than raise campaign money even if sometimes it goes to the likes of them. >> the only way you will successfully govern is it democrats maintain the senate in 2014 which is why these dollars are so important. if there is any opporunity to
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pick up seats in the house. >> matt, the president, you could argue, out on the west coast definitely desperately trying to raise money. look, absolutely killed us with obamacare. some of our candid it's the marginal in the midterm elections and really need the presence of. >> i guess you can't begrudge him for trying to raise money. his timing is good. the better appear with as many democratic candidates as possible now because i have a feeling as next year comes about there will be a lot more candid saying a, mr. president, we don't mind you sending as a check but you don't need to come stay with me on the platform. the president is dangerously low , a lot more expertise. dangerously low, below 40. the fact that people don't think he is honest and trustworthy is over 50. he is in deep trouble.
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that money will get harder to raise next year. ashley: your reaction? said the poll numbers go down and down. >> clearly he is not in a position where he would like to be. i mean, that is not. it is a hot mess. but i do think that as we looked at the demographics that will be participating in the 2014 elections, the ones who like obamacare are going to help democrats. those are latino voters. they are the most uninsured population in this country. they're happy to have access to health care for the first time. so i think there is critical calculations the voters will make that being discounted right now. ashley: we had a guest on earlier that said the glitches with the website by the tip of the iceberg. there.ou really get into this of her people with huge premium
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increases. massive increases in deductibles much of the onus will following young people who do not realize it. >> you're already seeing that. to this point, something even more important than money. he knows as much about this as i do. alluded to it. the bottom line. the dirty little secret. >> the president cover as well, the record speaks for itself. the votes followed. so bottom line i have advised candid it's to do your job well. have the approval ratings and the votes will follow. >> thomas was the charging? >> as much as i could. >> i think we should set the record straight. i don't care how much money. i don't think he is going to work farm.
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>> we have to talk about it because i have not heard one person who said what a great thing this is. he said is better than going to war in the foulest. >> a diplomatic half. they can continue along the path that they were on in making nuclear weapons while we can go to war. ashley: the sanctions that the united states is imposing is having an effect. >> they were having an effect. read this to the point where there is a tipping point. we reached it. come on. i want to hear what the alternative is the science this is something that obama did. >> waiting to make a deal where they have to dismantle the nuclear program. pure and simple. >> what about peace through
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strength. we learn these lessons before. you go around the world trying to get trees instead of hammering it out. the fact that you will stand on certain principles and it leads to a more than strength. remember ronald reagan. the line that we were on the last few years because there still on the path to building a nuclear weapon. all we have done is pressed pause. i do not think that it is in this plan. thank you so much. appreciated for being here. coming up next, legendary yankee yogi berra famous as much for his hall of fame career as a sketchy one-liners. come to a fork in the road take it. taking broadway by storm. the beloved yankee. he will be here to join us next. as a business owner, i'm constantly putting out fires.
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so i deserve a small business credit card with amazing rewards. with the spark cascard from capital one, i get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry!
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ashley: baseball's iconic team heading to broadway. my next guest, joined by the producer and star of the bronze bombers. the legendary sports marketer who fired of working. the star of bosom buddies. loved it. starring as yogi berra in the upcoming bronx bombers. a treat to have you here. i'm going to start with you. how did you come up with this idea? you love sports and have a couple of sports related theme shows before. >> absolutely. a great producing partner. we worked together. the bronze bomber. certainly great stories in sports and great characters.
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so we just want to tell these stories. ,. it is about teamwork, you know, individual play. what really built the team that won 27 championships. ashley: you play a great young ibert. it is a challenge to play a real live person. you made he and his wife. >> just recently. a wonderful brought to light -- broadway actress. teeseven -- ashley: have you ever done that before? >> we have done some theatrical pieces. been a part of a couple of readings, but we have never been paid for it. ashley: what attracted you to this particular role? >> i have a great history. i was a part of it. i played, among other roles. as sports fan.
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your accent notwithstanding. reputable one. and so you have some work ahead of you when you play real-life character. you know something there. you're not doing an impression, not seeking to mimic. the tunnel will bet. the equality in the speech. god help us. i steady his speech. some of them. rarely downright brilliant. >> coopted into our culture. ashley: who will this appeal to? >> we think it is the family. young kids the yankees and their
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heroes. it crosses generations. saw that in lombardy. it would come back. they see the show. they want to take his dad and his son. and we think women will enjoy it as well. you know, so much a part of yogis life and who he lee not to go through these many years. the pressure of being a player. we will see that relationship between husband and wife which we think is key. even if you are not a sports fan, and it is important. it is about life. about going through. ashley: where and when can people see this? >> january 10th. you can go to the bronx bombers dot com. get tickets. it will be exciting. >> you grew up mccain to seeing
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the game. ashley: i have to leave it there. we will be back to my night.
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7:59 pm
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he wanted to thank me. do you know where your family is? upwards of one third of the country, a third potentially preventing million from joining their relatives for the big day. forget about those whose these may be added airport. get ready for it a bigger kick in economies buns. all of that is what we are all over tonight. how is the weather could make an even give your holiday shopping season and before we get


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